SPFC Committee Members 2010/11

President tye WEI FENG

Vice President NASUHA rohaizad

Captain ERNEST chua

Vice Captain SEAN tan

Secretary + Treasurer chua XIN PEI

Amourer FAVIAN ho

Assist. Amourer seah WEI LOONG

Membership Sec. muhd LUQMAN

Sunday, August 9, 2009


To all fencers, there will not be any training until further notice. This is so as to allow you guys time to study for your semestral examinations.
Do check back for updates regarding the re-commencement of training. There will be training this holiday.

Terence Thien

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


To all fencers, tomorrow's training session 6th Aug 2009 will be the last for this academic semester. Please gather at the usual place, SAA Audition Room on time at 6 p.m. The following 2-3 weeks will see training canceled to allow you guys time to study for your exams. Training will most likely resume after the semester exams. Do check back for more details in time to come.

On another note, anyone who wishes to join the club are free to do so. We welcome anyone to come join us in this sport. Just turn up at the SAA Audition Room at 6pm on Thursdays in sporting attire, preferably in shorts for your bottoms as long pants do restrict leg movement during trainings.

Terence Thien